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Volunteer Work

Through my research into the theoretical underpinning - it was found that volunteer work is a driving factor within community development.

I got in touch with my old lecturer at Glasgow Kelvin College's Music Business course to see if any students wished to volunteer for the event. Below is the email I sent looking for volunteers.

Hi Sara!

Hope you're well and everything with is going well at Electric Honey this year!

I'm getting in touch as I am currently working towards my fourth year creative project at UWS. The project is a networking event that I am hosting based around DIY and Community within Glasgow's alternative music scene. On the run up to the event I will be looking for a couple of volunteers to help out with promotion as well as on the night itself!

I was wondering if you'd mind passing this information along to your first/second year team to see if anyone is interested in helping out.

I'm looking for 4 volunteers in total to help with the following

- Promotion via social media

- Managing the door on the night

- Helping with loading in, setting up and loading out after the event is finished.

- Being a friendly face to help encourage networking at the event

The event itself will be held at the Old Hairdressers on the 13th of March from 6-9pm

Here is the criteria for applying to volunteer

- Must be 18+

- Be available from 5pm-10pm on the 13th of March (and a few dates in the weeks before for short meetings)

- Be able to get to and from Glasgow City Centre (bearing in mind the event is on a Sunday)

- Showcase a passion for DIY, Community and Alternative Music (any added experience in this field would also be greatly beneficial but not essential at all)

- Have a friendly attitude

Due to the nature of the event being not-for-profit, I will not be able to pay any volunteers however I can buy them a beer after the event

As an addition to this, for those not volunteering - I am happy to offer £3 entry rather than £5 for current Electric Honey Members

However nobody will be turned away for lack of funds!

If you have any students that’d be interested in volunteering, they are welcome to email me at with a short bio about themselves and any other information they feel is relevant (Music CV’s are encouraged but absolutely not essential)

Hope to hear from you soon!

Best, Ryan Bell

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