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Sunken Sofa Presents: Networking Night for Glasgow's alternative music scene

Welcome to my development blog for my creative music project. Continuing my project "Sunken Sofa" with a new installation, I will use this blog to write about my experiences setting up "Sunken Sofa Presents: A Networking Night for Glasgow's Alternative Music Scene", this project will primarily focus on DIY culture as a Underlying theme within both music and the development of the project itself. The following list is what I need to consider when it comes to the running of this project.


-Running Time

-Frequency of Event (Monthly? One-off?)

-Just networking or should I involve panels for industry professionals with experience in DIY and alternative music?

Theme of the Project

I want this project to be focussed on community with the alternative and DIY music scene in Glasgow, allowing musicians, promoters, managers, artists etc to have a safe social space to meet and offer opportunities for collaboration outside of gigs where noise and other factors can make it a difficult environment to network in.

I plan to regularly to update this blog as I further progress and develop my project, as this will provide a very good source to review my thought process when writing my report.

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