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Preparation for the event

On the running up to the event, I have been maintaining the Sunken Sofa Social Media accounts to keep up to date and to get as many people coming as possible. I have also created a list of things I will need to bring to the event on the night.

Guitar Amp/Leads

Networking Stickers

Sharpie Pens

Cash for float (£50)

Cash for Rider (£25)

Phone charger

Considering the scale of the event, this is a very minimal set up, which was beneficial overall due to the lack of parking near the old hairdressers

I have also sent over a set of questions to the panellists prior to the event, giving them opportunity to have some rough answers ready for the panel. It should be noted that not all of these questions are going to be used, but instead give me as the host to have a set of questions ready, due to the semi structured interview format I have chosen, I expect there to be changes in topics and see the conversations shift with the panellists on points and experiences.


1- First off, if we can go round the panellists and get you to introduce yourselves and your work in relation to DIY and the Alternative Music scene 2- What does DIY mean to you guys and how does it tie in with your love for music? 3- How easy was it to break into the local music scene when you first started out? And for the likes of Gary and Steven, would you say there would be any differences if you started the Goldmold and Struggletown in today’s scene? 4- Would you say your own connections and networks had an impact on finding your place in the scene? Or was this more of the case of finding your own place and creating your own networks? 5- Did you study at college/uni/wherever else and has that been beneficial in your project/work?

6- Have you found the DIY music scene in Glasgow to be inclusive of all backgrounds and abilities? (e.g., Gender, Disabilities, Race, LGBTQ+ Community, Age, Income, skill level/instrumental ability etc.) is there anything that you think can be done to make the scene more inclusive? 7- How do you find yourself funding your project(s) and your passion for DIY? 8- Would you consider Glasgow’s alternative music scene to be more dedicated towards DIY projects and artists compared to those that follow a more business/strictly for-profit model? 9- How important is collaboration in DIY? 10- If you could change one thing for the better of DIY within Glasgow’s alternative music scene, what would it be?

11- If you could give one piece of advice to someone who is looking to start their first DIY project (whether that be as an artist, promoter, label – anything really!)

Initially, I decided to have a 1 minute per answer limit, more as a guide rather than a genuine rule - however panellist Steven Hill stated the following which changed the initial idea into a more discussion based panel, removing the need for all of the above question to be asked/answered on the panel

"A few (questions) might be tricky to answer succinctly in a minute or so, but I'll do my best. It's an interesting set of questions. For me it would be cool if we all discussed certain points if that happens naturally, but if you need us to get through all the questions I'm sure we'll do that"

my reply:

"yeah I definitely see that actually! definitely take as long as you need with the points you wanna make! and of course! any points you feel are relevant please feel free to chat about it!

what im gonna do is use the list of questions are filler, and pick the most relevant/important ones where they work into the panel if that makes sense! I'd defo rather have a good chat about a few questions than a rushed chat over all of the questions"

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