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Inclusivity, Diversity and Respect

From my recent supervisor meeting with Jayne, I have gained valuable information on how to move forward with my project as well as taking into consideration the different factors that I can work into my live event to emphasise my theoretical concepts. One primary factor is the link between DIY and accessibility, diversity and respect, my first task within this was creating a venue list whilst taking extra consideration to find a venue that would allow my event to be accessible to everyone by researching venues in Glasgow that are wheelchair accessible, this has resulted in my ideal venue being the Glad Cafe in the South Side of Glasgow. To touch on the venue further, the glad cafe would be an ideal venue due to it's easy travel links from the city centre as well as their dedication for accommodating those with disabilities, for example their "Buddy up" volunteer system allows those with learning difficulties to go to gigs they enjoy with likeminded volunteers.

Another point that I have deeply considered is the diversity of the event itself, something that I have to take into account as the curator of the event is to ensure that there is a well established variation between gender within my event to ensure that the voices and experiences shared of Glasgow's music scene are not of men alone as this won't allow for accurate representation of Glasgow's music scene, steps will also be made to allow for inclusivity of collaborators to be diverse in terms of disability, race and LGBTQ+ community.

Finally, to ensure that during the event there is no questioning regarding the ethos of Sunken Sofa and the 'Safe Space' I want to create for those attending, I have drafted a Zero poster which explains that the area is a safe space and that there is a zero tolerance policy for hate speech of any kind, as well as information on who to speak to if someone felt that that standard was not being uplheld by anyone

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