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Encouraging networking

Amongst my project feedback during my presentation and formal abstract - a point was made questioning how exactly I am going to be encouraging networking.

Ideas such as speed dating and networking games were suggested however I felt that these would not suit the kind of 'vibe' that I'm going for as a casual event for DIY - I like the idea that conversation comes naturally and isn't forced in some way like it may seem with the likes of speed dating and other networking games.

Upon further discussion with my project supervisor Jayne Stynes, the idea of name tags came about to get people introducing themselves and their organisations easier - Events that inspired this project such as Resonate Music Conference use name tags with their organisation included below, I took inspiration from this idea however I wanted to allow for a more unique take on name tags to strike conversation relevant to DIY and alternative music.

Jayne and I discussed two ideas:

A: Name, Organisation, and Favourite Band/Artist

B: Name, Organisation, and Favourite Genre

As my own definition of 'alternative' shows an incredibly broad spectrum, including anyone who wants to seek a non-mainstream audience, I felt that the idea of favourite artist may be too specific. I felt this way as I could imagine being at an event and saying my favourite band is Algernon Cadwallader, to which I would be doubtful that anyone would really know who they were. However in terms of genre, I felt that Math Rock, Emo, and other niche genres (which in the case of those examples, are my favourite genres) are more recognisable and would allow for genre specific conversations rather than artist specific. I felt this would be incredibly useful in finding collaborators for projects, as in my own experience with networking events such as 23rd Precincts Monthly Networking Nights, whenever I would meet a promoter or a label manager or artist, they were rarely the niche that I would be looking to collaborate with - to conclude, including favourite genre alongside the attendees organisation on the name tags can create an instant connection between the right people, and overall save time if looking for collaborators for a niche project.

Name Tag Design:

As the project is aimed at the encouragement of grassroots practice, it is important that I consider accessibility to networking in terms of people who may not be as confident with networking. This was made clear from my own experience with Resonate Music Conference, as it has an aim towards industry professionals, which as a newcomer to the Scottish music industry and a introverted person, prevented me from making the most of my networking experience. I want to use my volunteers to start conversations (without seeming pushy or making forced conversation) to encourage everyone to get involved. This is particularly great as my volunteers are newcomers to the music industry as first year Music Business Students at Glasgow Kelvin College, meaning that by striking up conversations with attendees, they are also getting essential experience with networking.

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