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Changes to the Panel

This week I have been working towards finalising the panel for the event.

The originally planned lineup was as followed

Steven Hill (Struggletown Records)

Gary Taylor (GoldMold Records)

Miranda Westerlund (IvyNites)

Lauren (Heavenly Creature Records)

Due to unforeseen circustances, Lauren has had to pull out as a panellist, this meant that I needed to fill this space. One positive note from this is that I can find a panellist that works in a different area of DIY.

Steven and Gary both recommended Beth Black, a Glasgow based Musician (Flinch/Slowlight), Advocate and Feminist as well as an active member of the DIY and alternative music scene. This would allow for an interesting dynamic to the panel in terms of conversation around the topics of diversity, inclusivity as well as DIY in the mindset of the musician.

The Final Lineup for the Panel consists of:

Steven Hill (Struggletown Records)

Gary Taylor (GoldMold Records)

Miranda Westerlund (IvyNites)

Beth Black (Musician/Advocate/Feminist)

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